Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Recess Club

18 boys and girls in 3rd and 4th grade come down to spend recess with me in the gym.  Every few weeks we are changing the students and the activity.  Currently we are in our last week of the Kickball Club.
Putting their hands in for our end of game cheer

Students showing off their perfect spacing

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our January Dance

The song is Rock this Party by Bob Sinclar.  Featured in the video are two 5th grade classes, a 1st grade class, and a 6th grade class.  Hope it gets you moving.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just Dance

We are moving and grooving!!!  We are learning a new dance every month here at Academy.    When done with energy and enthusiasm any dance can be a great workout.  Students are also given a great opportunity to express themselves.  We are 2 months into our program and are having a blast.  Stay tunned for more exciting dances to come.