Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Winter Walking Program

                       Each classroom has their own Winter Walking Poster.  Every foot means 20 laps walked.
            Students are given one popsicle stick for every completed lap around the playground

Some VERY busy walkers
A large group of happy 3rd graders 

Students showing off their toe token bracelets 

Hi everyone.  This Winter Walking Program is designed to keep the students active and entertained during these cold winter months.  Students can walk laps around the playground before school and at recess.  Students are given popsicle sticks for every lap.  They bring the sticks to the teachers who record the laps each week.  This program will go until March 30.  The students can win individual prizes, and the classes that walk the most will earn a pizza party with me.  The students have been very excited in the first week and are getting a lot of great exercise.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sneaker Program

A few of the finished products up on display in the Gym

I have started a new incentives program in P.E. to promote good sportsmanship, kindness, great listening and hard work.  At the end of class students will have the opportunity to nominate their fellow classmates who did something special during class and give them a little sneaker.  This little sneaker is theirs to decorate and bring back to me.  This program encourages students to recognize great behaviors in each other and encourages them to be great classmates so they can be acknowledged themselves.  If the entire class has a really great day in P.E. I will present them with a big sneaker.  They take the big sneaker back to the classroom, decide as a group how to decorate it and bring it back to me.  When sneakers are returned to me I hang them up in the gym to show off the students accomplishments. 

Two of my proud kindergarteners after finishing their sneakers